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The Real Chocolate Company Marketing Essay

The Real Chocolate Company Marketing Essay The Real Chocolate Company is a Gourmet chocolate organization that offers a wide scope of ite...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HRD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HRD - Essay Example Different strategies are widely used by organizations to help individuals realize their full potential for working so that it will foster the individuality and yet enhance the effectiveness within particular contexts. Swanson and Holton (p. 4) defined HRD as an HRM strategy that focuses on developing and unleashing knowledge, skill and expertise for the purpose of improving individual, team, work process and organizational system performance. According to this definition, HRD is an approach to create and foster high performance working in an organization. International Labour Organisation (p. 1) emphasized that HRD involves issues such as education, training, recruitment, staffing, performance and career development etc. All the different development programs can improve work-standard of the people in an organization, and as a result, the organization would be able to achieve high performance working, as pointed out in the definition of Swanson and Holton. What makes human capital the more powerful assets in the organization? It is the knowledge they have, the skill they are born with, the abilities expertise they earned and so on. Physical development of the human resources in an organization is not as significant as developing their knowledge, skill and expertise. Organizations need to improve these qualities of human capital as these can increase the productivity, work standard and thus to achieve high performance working as well. As Reid, Barrington and Brown (p. 12- 14) education, training, skill-development are some of the main elements in the HRD that are meant to improve the quality human resources. It is simply a strategic approach to effectively utilizing the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Close Reading Essay Example for Free

Close Reading Essay The answers to these questions emerge more from the doing than the talking. Briefly, close reading is a basic tool for understanding, taking pleasure in, and communicating one’s interpretation of a literary work. The skills employed in close reading lend themselves to all kinds of cultural interpretation and investigation. Close reading takes language as its subject because language can operate in different ways to convey meaning. Reading sensitively allows one to remain open to the many ways language works on the mind and heart. When an assignment calls for close reading, it’s best to start by choosing a brief but promising passage and checking your assumptions about its content at the door. Close reading often reveals the fissures between what the speaker or narrator says and how she or he says it. You know from your own experience that life involves constant, often unconscious sifting of these nuances. Here are some useful steps. 1. Choose a short passage that allows you to investigate the details closely. Here, for example, is the first paragraph of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, Chapter 2. In addition to what has already been said of Catherine Morland’s personal and mental endowments, when about to be launched into all the difficulties and dangers of a six weeks’ residence in Bath, it may be stated, for the reader’s more certain information, lest the following pages should otherwise fail of giving any idea of what her character is meant to be; that her heart was affectionate, her disposition cheerful and open, without conceit or affectation of any kind—her manners just removed from the awkwardness and shyness of a girl; her person pleasing, and when in good looks, pretty—and her mind about as ignorant and uninformed as the female mind at seventeen usually is. This single sentence will give us plenty to work with. 2. Look at diction. What kinds of words does Austen use? Does she aim for lofty diction (used for special occasions) or common diction? Are the words long or short, Latinate or Anglo-Saxon, specialized (i.e. legalistic, medical, jargon, elite) or ordinary? Remember that the rules for diction are different at different times in history. 3. Next, look at sentence structure. Can you map the sentence (find the subject and verb, locate phrases and clauses)? Is it a simple, compound, or complex sentence? How does the structure of the sentence relate to its content? Does the author use active or passive verbs? What rhythms does the sentence structure create—long flowing ones, short choppy ones—and how do these relate to the meaning? 4. After you have looked at language (and there are other technical issues one might pay attention to), you can begin to analyze tone. Is the narrator being straightforward, factual, open? Or is she taking a less direct route toward her meaning? Does the voice carry any emotion? Or is it detached from its subject? Do you hear irony? Where? If so, what complications does the irony produce? 5. At this point, you may discover some difference between what the author appears to be doing (giving you a complete, unbiased picture of her character) and what she also accomplishes (raising doubts about whether these qualities are worth having, whether her character is a heroine after all, whether women have minds at all, therefore whether this narrator can be trusted at all, etc.). You can now begin to talk about the ways Austen’s language, which seems to invite our confidence, is also complicating its message by raising these doubts. 6. At this point, you can propose a generic hypothesis, something like, â€Å"In this passage, Austen raises doubts about Catherine Morland’s character through her use of deliberately banal diction, her strained sentence structure, and her ironic use of the terms of character description for heroines.† 7. You can proceed to fill in the outlines of this point by explaining what you mean, using details and quotations from the passage to support your point. 8. You still, however, need an argument and will need to go back to your opening to sharpen the thesis. The question is Why? Or to what effect? Your thesis might build on what you’ve already written by suggesting: Austen creates this irony early in the novel to alert the reader to the ways she’s subverting narrative conventions. Or: The effect of this description of Catherine is to undermine any notion of her powers as a heroine and to introduce Austen’s theme that true character emerges from weakness rather than strength. Or: Austen’s cavalier treatment of her heroine suggests that she has little respect for the typical education of young women. 9. Even with these more developed statements, you will need to explain and support your point further. But you will have achieved some very important things, namely: 1) you have chosen a specific piece of the text to work with, hence avoiding huge generalizations and abstractions that tend to turn a reader off; 2) you have moved from exposition (explaining what’s there—and really, shouldn’t a reader be able to figure these things out for him or herself?) to arguing a point, which will involve your reader in a more interactive and risky encounter; 3) you have carved out your own reading of the text rather than taking the more well-worn path; 4) you have identified something about Austen’s method that may well open up other areas of the text for study and debate. Bravo! 10. With your more refined thesis in place, you can go back and make sure your supporting argument explains the questions you’ve raised, follows through on your argument, and comes to a provocative conclusion. By the end, you may be able to expand from your initial passage to a larger point, but use your organization to keep the reader focused all the way. The most exciting thing for a reader, and the most useful for an essayist, is that close reading generally offers surprises. Your project is not so much about telling readers what they probably can see for themselves but what they might have missed that could delight them. It’s helpful, then, to go into the paper with an open mind and be ready to adjust your thesis to the evidence you find in the text. Have a blast!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Modernization Theory Essay -- Sociology Modernization Essays Papers

Modernization Theory Modernization is the term used for the transition from the traditional society of the past to modern society as it is found today in the West. Modernization theory refers to a variety of non-Marxist perspectives which have been put forward to explain the development or underdevelopment of countries. Modernization theory is a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of differing levels of technological development among societies. Modernization theory presents the idea that by introducing modern methods in "technology, agricultural production for trade, and industrialization dependent on a mobile labour force," the underdeveloped countries will experience a strengthening in their economies. Modernization theory offers an account of the common features of the process of development drawing on the analysis of Durkheim and Weber. Development implies the bridging of these gaps by an imitative process, occurring in stages, such that traditional sect ors and/or countries gradually assume the qualities of the 'modern' western countries. There are many proponents of Modernization Theory, such as, Walter Rostow, W.A. Lewis, Talcott Parsons, and Daniel Lerner, however the theory has it's roots in the ideas of Durkheim and Weber. The proponents of the modernization theory all felt that the rest of the world needed to look to the Western model of modernity and pattern their society like the West in order to progress. Modernization theory was developed as an alternative to the Marxist account of social development. Modernization Theory Divides the World into two kinds of societies: "modern" and "traditional." Traditional societies are backward looking : Dominated by religious a... ...hat: poor countries are separated from the world economy. It ignores the possibility that one country's prosperity may mean another countries poverty. Further, modernization theory ignores the roles that powerful state governments play in helping with wealth-creation as they support, regulate, and direct economic growth. Modernization theory is an unworkable guide for facilitating Caribbean growth because of the many weaknesses, which have been highlighted. The modernization theory although is without a doubt one of he most influential theory, is in fact an unworkable guide to Caribbean development as it simply describes the development process without showing how it might be achieved. The theory is in fact a unilinear, ethnocentric theory and it is with all it's shortcomings which one can conclude that it provides an unworkable guide to Caribbean development.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Possible Extra Terrestrial Life

Benjamin Hastings April 10, 2013 Did Someone Move in Down the Street? An Exploration of Possible Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe, Perhaps Our Own System Other life in the universe just makes sense. Think about it, there are trillions of other stars in existence in our universe, and most of those stars have satellites, and those satellites have satellites. There are literally hundreds of trillions, if not more, planets or planet-sized satellites orbiting stars. To think that none of these could have life on them is just to be naive.If it happened to our planet, out of hundreds of trillions of them out there, it can happen to another, and another. We can’t be alone; distant, maybe, but alone is just too far-fetched a theory. Belief in extraterrestrial life dates back quite far, even back to ancient society. â€Å"Regarding the existence of other worlds, the ancients of both Greece and rome were deeply divided. Arguing affirmative were the Epicureans, so called after Epicu rus (341-270 B. C. ), who developed certain ideas that had originated with Democritus and Leucippus two centuries earlier. Among the theories that we today consider most modern are†¦ hat life exists elsewhere in the universe†¦ Modern though these ideas may seem to us, they all indisputably date from antiquity†¦ † (Crowe- 3) We aren’t the first people to think that life must exist elsewhere, we’ve simply brought the thought back into popularity. But where could life be sustained? Bacteria have been observed to endure extreme conditions â€Å"in environments with very high or low temperature and where conditions are very acidic or very alkaline. † (Fix) Principles such as this suggest that â€Å"the search for life in the solar system should not be confined to the most benign environments. (Fix) Research and discoveries by Dr. Gene D. McDonald in Siberian permafrost showed that â€Å"single-celled organisms such as bacteria, archaeans, and f ungi repair cellular damage for tens of thousands of years – and perhaps many times longer—after being frozen solid. † (Hart) This is incredible when considering the damage the organisms sustain while being frozen; â€Å"even when all life processes appear to have stopped, processes that affect life do not. Organisms frozen in soil continue to be bombarded by radiation from elements within the soil itself.And at any temperature above absolute zero, all molecules vibrate a little. Thus, cells' DNA and other important molecules continue to sustain life-threatening damage. For organisms to remain viable for long periods of time, they must somehow maintain a minimal level of molecular repair. † (Hart) A breakthrough such as this suggests that if bacteria on Earth could survive temperatures this low, then certainly organisms outside of What we consider to be the inhabitable temperature zone could certainly adapt and survive on distant moons or dwarf planets.Mar s, the fourth and last Solar terran planet, could hold, or have held, life on its surface. Recent study of an ancient meteorite strengthens this theory. â€Å"The meteorite†¦ is made of igneous rock that solidified about 4. 5 billion years ago at the time that Mars formed. About 3. 6 billion years ago globules of carbonate minerals were deposited in cracks in the rock. The carbonate minerals may have been deposited when liquid water seeped into the cracks. The impact of an asteroid or comet on Mars 16 million years ago ejected the rock from Mars into interplanetary space.About thirteen thousand years ago the rock fell into the Antarctic ice fields as a meteorite. † (Fix) This meteorite was carefully studied for two years, revealing several different types of evidence of primitive life on the red planet. â€Å"Another piece of evidence was the discovery of inorganic compounds like iron sulfides that can be produced by bacteria and other terrestrial organisms. The most dr amatic evidence, however, is tiny structures in the carbonate globules that resemble microscopic fossils of ancient terrestrial bacteria. (Fix) Life may be closer than we think, but it also may have died out eons ago when the liquid water on the surface of Mars seemingly refused to stay in liquid form any longer. Titan, or Saturn VI, the largest Moon of Saturn, and second largest moon in the Solar System, seems promising for handling life. While being much cooler than our own planet, again, organisms that live there could adapt to the temperature, as well as atmospheric pressure it sustains; a pressure of 1. 6 bars, 60% than greater that of Earth. Titan’s atmosphere brings interesting points to itself because of its composition. Titan's air is predominantly made up of nitrogen with other hydrocarbon elements which give Titan its orange hue. These hydrocarbon rich elements are the building blocks for amino acids necessary for the formation of life. Scientists believe that Tita n's environment may be similar to that of the Earth's before life began putting oxygen into the atmosphere. † (Hamilton) This means that life on Titan has a potential to begin as it did theoretically on Earth, or could even have already even begun in very early stages, although these organisms would have to be highly resilient if they are anything like us. Titan's surface temperature appears to be about -178 °C (-289 °F)†¦ scientists believe lakes of ethane exist that contain dissolved methane. Titan's methane, through continuing photochemistry, is converted to ethane, acetylene, ethylene, and (when combined with nitrogen) hydrogen cyanide. The last is an especially important molecule; it is a building block of amino acids. † (Hamilton) Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is another highly considered candidate for life. Its surface is covered completely by a shell of ice, cracked and scarred by tidal forces deep beneath.The moon’s tidal forces â€Å"raise and low er the sea beneath the ice, causing constant motion and likely causing the cracks we see in images of Europa's surface from visiting robotic probes. This â€Å"tidal heating† causes Europa to be warmer than it would otherwise be at its average distance of about 780,000,000 km (485,000,000 miles) from the sun, more than five times as far as the distance from the Earth to the sun. The warmth of Europa's liquid ocean could prove critical to the survival of simple organisms within the ocean, if they exist. (Harvey&Burdick) This ocean, thought to span globally â€Å"with more than twice the volume of Earth's seas,† may have deep hidden secrets, â€Å"with conditions that might not be completely alien to some forms of life on Earth. Under its frozen crust, Europa may harbor the key ingredients required to create a habitable environment. † (Harvey) Europa’s closer, though still very far distance from the sun, along with what may be hidden in its ocean, make it p ossibly a better candidate for life within our own star system.One great physicist, Stephen Hawking, believes the possibility of life outside of our planet is too great to ignore. He jokes that â€Å"Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. † Although he is very fond of the theory of extraterrestrial beings, he does warn us heavily about them. â€Å"We should be careful if we ever happen upon extraterrestrial life†¦ Alien life may not have DNA like ours: ‘Watch out if you would meet an alien. You could be infected with a disease with which you have no resistance. What we normally think of as ‘life' is based on chains of carbon atoms, with a few other atoms, such as nitrogen or phosphorous†¦ we can imagine that one might have life with some other chemical basis, such as silicon. † (dailygalaxy. com) Life to him seems undeniable in other parts of the universe, but he does suggest logically that it just may very likely not b e like us. This theory is to be respected, because many planets and subterran objects may fall in every planetary guideline to support life, just not in the way we see it in ourselves.Life must exist elsewhere, whether it be out neighbor, next door or down the block, or whether it be outside of our closely knit family of planets, moons, asteroids, etc. It could host similar structure to our own, or be composed differently, and therefore could survive completely different conditions from our own. Simply put, it may be considered to be foolish to completely ignore the possibilities of any terran planet to sustain life, because life is almost certainly out there somewhere, and it may be the in last place we think to look. Works Cited Crowe, Micheal J. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate 1750-1900.Cambridge UP. 1986. Print. Fix, John D. Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2008. Print. Hamilton, Calvin J. â€Å"Views of the Solar System: Titan. † solarviews. com. Solarviews, 2011. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Hart, Stephan. â€Å"Bacteria: Survival in Siberia† astrobio. net. Astrobiology Magazine, 2002. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Harvey, Samantha and Autumn Burdick. â€Å"Solar System Exploration. † nasa. gov. NASA, 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Stephen Hawking on the Possibility of Non-Carbon-Based Extraterrestrial Life. † dailygalaxy. com. The Daily Galaxy, 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychology discussion Essay

The findings from this research that trigrams in an organised list will be recalled better than those in a disorganised list have supported the evidence of Millers theory. Miller (1956) found that the magic number 7+-2 can be increased using the method called chunking. This would relate to this piece of research as the amount of individual letters remembered was a lot bigger than the value 7+-2. Participants in the organized condition on average recalled about twenty one letters, and in the disorganized condition they recalled about nine letters. This supports Millers view; that more items can be remembered if they are recalled in â€Å"chunks†. This experiment can be extended to investigate the theory of expert chess players having better chunking abilities than novice players (Chase and Simon (1973)). The expert chess players could recall more information about the relationship of chess pieces than those of amateur chess players, the expert’s could recall up to 30 pieces of information, compared to only seven pieces for amateur players. This links to my experiment because using the technique chunking on an organised and disorganised list of words, led to an improvement in the number of trigrams recalled in the organised condition rather than the disorganised condition. In the organized list around 21 individual letters were recalled, compared to only 9 in the disorganized list. This supports Chase and Simons view that chunking can lead to better recall. My experiment was based on a previous study by Bowers in 1969; the results produced are similar to those obtained by Bowers. Table comparing the result of my study and Bowers study: This Study Bowers Study Average words recalled % of Words Average words recalled % of Words Organised 7. 1 71% 16. 9 65% Disorganised 2. 9 29% 4. 94 19% The results are quite similar although the results above have a higher percentage of words recalled for both the organised and disorganised list compared to Bowers results, however this is due to the fact that more words were involved in Bowers list: – 26 compared to the 10 words used on my list. This will have had an affect on memory as the participant is challenged to remember more words. Bower used a theme of minerals; whereas in my experiment it involved a mixture of random trigrams. This could have affected the ability to recall; especially if Bowers’ participants had greater knowledge than others. However this problem did not occur in my experiment as it was not based around one particular theme. On the whole my results are similar to those obtained by Bowers. E2- Strengths and Weaknesses of the investigation: A strength of this investigation was the method used. This was a laboratory experiment. This method was very reliable and accurate as it allowed manipulation and full control over the variables (i. e. whether the participant is given the organised or disorganised list of trigrams). Therefore the results which were obtained were reliable, and the experiment could be easily replicated by another researcher. A strength of this experiment was that ethics was taken into consideration as informed consent was used to gain approval from the participant, to take part in the experiment. Participants were told they were taking part in a psychology experiment. Also confidentiality was abided by as well as all participants had the right to withdraw there results at any time, also none of their personal details were taken such as names and address. A weakness of this experiment could be the design; as an independent groups design was used; there may have been individual differences between participants. As those participants in the organized condition may have been more intelligent than those in the disorganized condition; this could have lead to them recalling more trigrams than those in the disorganized condition. E3- Consideration of alternative method: An alternative method could be used to test the affect of organisation on memory recall rather than an experimental method. A field experiment can be used so the test can be carried out in a natural setting. The new test can be carried out in school; for example a teacher can carry out an examination on students by testing a group of students to remember a list of abbreviations. This would be testing the ability to recall organized trigrams. Another classroom could be asked to play a game; where their partner gives them three random letters; if they answer a question wrong in a quiz they must recall the three letters they were told at the beginning. A new disorganized trigram would be used every time a question was answered incorrectly. This would then allow you to test the ability to recall disorganized trigrams. An advantage of this over the other method is that it would be carried out in participant’s everyday settings; therefore it would be more realistic, which would give the experiment more ecological validity. This method will also reduce demand characteristics. Students will believe that this is a real test, and therefore they will pay attention and take the task seriously. Although they will not know it is a task into memory; they will believe it is an important test. This method would be relevant for the aim and hypothesis of the study, as it would show if there is a clear difference, in the organized and disorganized trigrams recalled and it would also improve the reliability of the results. E4- Application of findings and suggestion for future research: In conclusion, this investigation has found that 16-18 year olds on average recall more trigrams from an organised list than a disorganised list. This research has proven that chunking and organization does increase the capacity of short-term memory. Therefore a link can be made to the real world for example if someone has to remember security numbers or phone numbers. Short codes can be chunked into one unit, although longer series of numbers like phone numbers may be chunked into two or three sections. This will help to aid recall, also chunking and organisation can help with revision. For example, by revising from notes arranged in an organised style this should organise the data in the brain and encourage better recall in exams and therefore good exam results. This research can also be applied when people do daily shopping. For example items of a similar nature can be chunked together into one group, e. g. , peas, cabbage and broccoli could be chunked under a vegetables group, so that they can be remembered as one chunk rather than three individual units. This research can be applied to future research by investigating if using chunking technique for exam revision can aid better recall thus better exam results. For example teachers could hold revision session’s using call cards which are chunked into small amounts of detail for the student to remember. They can then test to see if students with revision aids did better than those without.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Evolution Of Profanity Essays - Blasphemy, Censorship, Connotation

Evolution Of Profanity Essays - Blasphemy, Censorship, Connotation Evolution of Profanity The evolution of written profanity began roughly in the sixteenth century, and continues to change with each generation that it sees. Profanity is recognized in many Shakespearean works, and has continually evolved into the profane language used today. Some cuss words have somehow maintained their original meanings throughout hundreds of years, while many others have completely changed meaning or simply fallen out of use. William Shakespeare, though it is not widely taught, was not a very clean writer. In fact, he was somewhat of a potty mouth. His works encompassed a lot of things that some people wish he had not. "That includes a fair helping of sex, violence, crime, horror, politics, religion, anti-authoritarianism, anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, sexism, jealousy, profanity, satire, and controversy of all kinds" (Macrone 6). In his time, religious and moral curses were more offensive than biological curses. Most all original (before being censored) Shakespearean works contain very offensive profanity, mostly religious, which is probably one of many reasons that his works were and are so popular. "Shakespeare pushed a lot of buttons in his day- which is one reason he was so phenomenally popular. Despite what they tell you, people like having their buttons pushed" (Macrone 6). Because his works contained so many of these profane words or phrases, they were censored to protect the innocent minds o f the teenagers who are required to read them, and also because they were blasphemous and offensive. Almost all of the profanity was removed, and that that was not had just reason for being there. Some of the Bard's censored oaths are; "God's blessing on your beard" Love's Labors Lost, II.i.203 This was a very rude curse because a man's facial hair was a point of pride for him. and "to play with someone's beard" was to insult him. "God's body" 1 Henry IV,II.i.26 Swearing by Christ's body, (or any part thereof,) was off limits in civil discourse. "God's Bod(y)kins, man" Hamlet, II.ii.529 The word bod(y)kin means "little body" or "dear body," but adding the cute little suffix does not make this curse any more acceptable. "By God's [blest] mother!" 2 Henry VI, II.i; 3 Henry VI, III.ii; Henry VIII, V.i Swearing by the virgin was almost as rude as swearing by her son, especially when addressing a catholic cathedral as Gloucester did in 2 Henry VI, II.i Perhaps the two worst of these Shakespearean swears were "'zounds" and "'sblood." "'Zounds" had twenty-three occurrences. Ten of them were in 1 Henry IV. The rest appear in Titus (once), Richard III (four times), Romeo and Juliet (twice), and Othello ( six times). Iago and Falstaff were the worst offenders. 'Zounds has evolved into somewhat of a silly and meaningless word, but was originally horribly offensive. This oath, short for "God's wounds," was extremely offensive because references to the wounds or blood of Christ were thought especially outrageous, as they touched directly on the crucifixion. "'Sblood" had twelve occurrences in all. There were eight times in 1 Henry IV (with Falstaff accounting for six), plus once in Henry V, twice in Hamlet, and once in Othello. 'Sblood occurs less than 'zounds, but is equally offensive and means basically the same thing. Several other words came from Great Britain, but were not included in Shakespeare's works. Today the expression "Gadzooks!" is not particularly offensive to most. Of course, most don't know what it originally meant. Gadzooks was originally slang for "God's hooks," and was equally offensive to 'zounds and 'sblood as it also referred to the crucifixion. An interesting note is that there is a store called Gadzooks which everyone thinks of as a pop-culture vendor to America's youth. Some (but not many) of Gadzooks' shoppers would be very offended if they knew the true meaning of the store's name. Another word from this region is a Cockney expression, "Gorblimey," which is a word used to swear to the truth, and is a shortened form of "God blind me." Also, in England, words such as "bloody," "blimey," "blinkin'," beginning with the letters "BL" are taken offense to because they, once again, refer to the blood of Christ and the crucifixion. The military has an interesting technique for swearing their brains out without offending anyone. "They use the phonetic alphabet (A= Alpha, B= Bravo, C= Charlie, etc.) as a code

Monday, October 21, 2019

Overview of the Genitive Singular in Latin Declensions

Overview of the Genitive Singular in Latin Declensions When you are trying to translate a Latin noun into English or English into Latin, you should know which of the five declensions the noun falls into. If you know the declension and the dictionary forms of a noun, youre set. For instance, the word puella, a first declension word that will be listed as puella, -ae, f. or something similar in the dictionary, is feminine (thats what the f. stands for; m. stands for masculine and n. stands for neuter) and is first declension, as you can tell from the second part of the dictionary listing, here; -ae. The genitive (cÄ sus patricus paternal case in Latin) is the name for this second form (-ae for the first declension) and is easy to remember as the equivalent of a possessive or apostrophe-s case in English. Thats not its complete role, though. In Latin, the genitive is the case of description. The use of one genitive noun limits the meaning of another noun, according to Richard Upsher Smith, Jr., in A Glossary of Terms in Grammar, Rhetoric, and Prosody for Readers of Greek and Latin: A Vade Mecum. There are five declensions in Latin. The genitive ending is used in the dictionary because each of the five declensions has its own genitive form. The five genitive terminations are: -ae-Ä «-is-us-eÄ « An example from each of the 5 declensions: puellae - the girls (puella, -ae, f.)servÄ « - the slaves (servus, -Ä «, m.)principis - the chiefs (princeps, -ipis, m.)cornÃ… «s - the horns (cornÃ… «, -Ã… «s, n.)dieÄ « - the days (dies, -eÄ «, m.)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of John Calico Jack Rackham, Famed Pirate

Biography of John 'Calico Jack' Rackham, Famed Pirate John Calico Jack Rackham (Dec. 26, 1682–Nov. 18, 1720) was a pirate who sailed in the Caribbean and off the Southeastern coast of the United States during the so-called Golden Age of Piracy (1650-1725). Rackham was not one of the more successful pirates, and most of his victims were fishermen and lightly armed traders. Nevertheless, he is remembered by history, mostly because two female pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, served under his command. He was captured, tried, and hanged in 1720. Little is known about his life before he became a pirate, but it is certain that he was English. Fast Facts: John Rackham Known For: Famed British pirate who sailed in the Caribbean and the southeastern coast of the United StatesAlso Known As: Calico Jack, John Rackam, John RackumBorn: Dec. 26, 1682 in EnglandDied: Nov. 18, 1720 Port Royal,  JamaicaNotable Quote: I am sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you neednt be hanged like a dog.  (Anne Bonny to Rackham, who was in prison after he had decided to surrender to pirate hunters instead of fighting.) Early Life John Rackham, who earned the nickname Calico Jack because of his taste for clothes made of brightly colored Indian Calico cloth, was an up-and-coming pirate during the years when piracy was rampant in the Caribbean and Nassau was the capital of a pirate kingdom of sorts. He had been serving under renowned pirate Charles Vane in the early part of 1718 and rose to the rank of quartermaster. When Gov. Woodes Rogers arrived in July 1718 and offered royal pardons to pirates, Rackham refused and joined the die-hard pirates led by Vane. He shipped out with Vane and led a life of piracy in spite of the increasing pressure put on them by the new governor. Gets First Command In November 1718, Rackham and about 90 other pirates were sailing with Vane when they engaged a French warship. The warship was heavily armed, and Vane decided to run for it in spite of the fact that most of the pirates, led by Rackham, were in favor of fighting. Vane, as captain, had the final say in battle, but the men removed him from command shortly thereafter. A vote was taken and Rackham was made the new captain. Vane was marooned with some 15 other pirates who had supported his decision to run. Captures the Kingston In December, he captured the merchant ship Kingston. The Kingston was carrying valuable cargo and Rackham and his men would have had a big payday. However, they seized the ship just off of Port Royal, and the merchants impacted by the theft hired bounty hunters to pursue Rackham and his crew. The bounty hunters found the pirates in February  1719 at Isla de los Pinos, now called Isla de la Juventud, situated just south of Cubas western end. Most of the pirates, including Rackham himself, were ashore when the bounty hunters discovered their ship. They took refuge in the woods as the bounty hunters left with their ship and its treasure. Steals a Sloop In his 1722 classic a General History of the Pyrates, Capt. Charles Johnson tells the exciting story of how Rackham stole a sloop. Rackham and his men were at a town in Cuba, refitting their small sloop, when a Spanish warship charged with patrolling the Cuban coast entered the harbor, along with a small English sloop they had captured. The Spanish warship saw the pirates but could not get at them at low tide, so they parked in the harbor entrance to wait for morning. That night, Rackham and his men rowed over to the captured English sloop and overpowered the Spanish guards there. As dawn broke, the warship began blasting Rackhams old ship, now empty, as Rackham and his men silently sailed past in their new prize. Return to Nassau Rackham and his men made their way back to Nassau, where they appeared before Governor Rogers and asked to accept the royal pardon, claiming that Vane had forced them to become pirates. Rogers, who hated Vane, believed them and allowed them to accept the pardon and stay. Their time as honest men would not last long. Rackham and Anne Bonny It was about this time that Rackham met Anne Bonny, the wife of John Bonny, a petty pirate who had switched sides and now made a meager living informing the governor on his former mates. Anne and Jack hit it off, and before long they were petitioning the governor for an annulment of her marriage, which was not granted. Anne became pregnant and went to Cuba to have her and Jack’s child. She returned afterward. Meanwhile, Anne met Mary Read, a cross-dressing Englishwoman who had also spent time as a pirate. Returns to Piracy Soon, Rackham got bored of life on shore and decided to return to piracy. In August of 1720, Rackham, Bonny, Read, and a handful of other disgruntled ex-pirates stole a ship and slipped out of Nassau’s harbor late at night. For about three months, the new crew attacked fishermen and poorly armed merchants, mostly in the waters off Jamaica. The crew swiftly earned a reputation for ruthlessness, particularly the two women, who dressed, fought, and swore just as well as their male companions. Dorothy Thomas, a fisherwoman whose boat was captured by Rackham’s crew, testified at their trial that Bonny and Read had demanded the crew murder her (Thomas) so that she would not testify against them. Thomas further said that if it were not for their large breasts, she would not have known that Bonny and Read were women. Capture and Death Capt. Jonathan Barnet had been hunting Rackham and his crew and he cornered them in late October 1720. After an exchange of cannon fire, Rackham’s ship was disabled. According to legend, the men hid below deck while Bonny and Read stayed above and fought. Rackham and his whole crew were captured and sent to Spanish Town, Jamaica, for trial. Rackham and the men were swiftly tried and found guilty: they were hanged in Port Royal on Nov. 18, 1720. Rackham was just 37 years old. Bonny was reportedly allowed to see Rackham one last time, and she said to him Im sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you need not have hanged like a dog. Bonny and Read were spared the noose because they were both pregnant: Read died in prison shortly thereafter, but the eventual fate of Bonny is unclear. Rackhams body was put in a gibbet and hung on a small island in the harbor still known as Rackhams Cay. Legacy Rackham wasnt a great pirate. His brief tenures as captain were marked more by daring and bravery than pirating skill. His best prize, the Kingston, was only in his possession for a few days, and he never had the impact on the Caribbean and transatlantic commerce that others like Blackbeard, Edward Low, Black Bart Roberts, or even his one-time mentor Vane did. Rackham is primarily remembered today for his association with Read and Bonny, two fascinating historical figures. It is safe to say that if it were not for them, Rackham would be but a footnote in pirate lore. Rackham did leave one other legacy, however: his flag. Pirates at the time made their own flags, usually black or red with white or red symbols on them. Rackhams flag was black with a white skull over two crossed swords: this banner has gained worldwide popularity as the pirate flag. Sources Cawthorne, Nigel. A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas. Edison: Chartwell Books, 2005.Defoe, Daniel. A General History of the Pyrates. Edited by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999.â€Å"Famous Pirate: Calico Rackham Jack.†Ã‚  Calico Rackham Jack - Famous Pirate - The Way of the Pirates.Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: the Lyons Press, 2009Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004.Woodard, Colin. The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down. Mariner Books, 2008.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for Dissertation

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for construction companies within Riyadh city in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example While this may stand true for more developed nations, however, nations such as Saudi Arabia are still trying to tackle with a high construction rate coupled with a low safety assessment and enforcement methodology. Overall, there is no single governmentally sponsored safety assessment and enforcement system within Saudi Arabia for the moment. (Fullman, 1984) Though there has been a move forward by the creation of the â€Å"Saudi Building Code National Committee† but as yet work within the safety and health portfolios remains scant and as yet experimental. (Mena Report, 2006) The lack of coherent safety assessment and enforcement schemes implies that there is still much ground that needs to be covered as per the Saudi safety standards in general and construction safety standards in particular are concerned. Hence, the need for research into current safety practices arises based on the concerns noted above so as to have a baseline available before policy making on safety begins. The proposed research aims at plugging some gaps in the current research base so as to expand horizons. The other question now, is the methodology that ought to be applied in order to conduct meaningful research.

Gender Disparities In Hamlet and The Importance of Being Earnest Essay

Gender Disparities In Hamlet and The Importance of Being Earnest - Essay Example Women such as Cecily, Gwendolen and Ophelia are a good example of that. It is clearly seen that those Women are being taken advantage of or are being forced to do something, in order to benefit other personage. This paper will review this statement. A common undertone of Victorian society was how women were seen as fragile and cowardly things and should be treated differently (more gently) than men. â€Å"My dear fellow, the truth isnt quite the sort of thing one tells to a nice, sweet, refined girl. What extraordinary ideas you have about the way to behave to a woman!† (Wilde, 236). In this quote, Jack explains how women are incapable of handling the truth and thus justifies why he should not feel bad about lying to them. Jack constantly lies to Gwendolen, referring to her as a nice, sweet girl, putting her to a lower class than he is. He justifies this by thinking he is protecting her from the outside world. Gender disparity plays out with major undertones in marriage as demonstrated by Wilde. The ability to choose who and when to marry is a good example of the inequalities between the men and women in Victorian society. â€Å"I am in love with Gwendolen. I have come up to town expressly to propose to her.† (Wilde, 1) Jack sees the marriage as necessary for his social standings, impressing other members of the class. Marx sees society as only in classes, and he defines these classes by the amount of capital. The decision to marry is a normal aspect of a man’s life. â€Å"Lady Bracknell; Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you do become engaged to someone, I, or your father, should his health permit him, will inform you of the fact.† (Wilde, 172). When Cecily tells Lady Bracknell that she is engaged to Earnest, Lady Bracknell tells Cecily her vision. Lady Bracknell, like many in that society, puts woman lower in social class. From this statement, we see th at Lady Bracknell gives the man the main

Friday, October 18, 2019

Environmental Issues (Article Critque) Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Issues ( Critque) - Article Example One set of risks are specific to the hydraulic fracture process used for shale gas production while the other set of risks apply to all oil and gas production activities where there is much greater operating experience. The last part of the paper shows that the environmental regulations for shale gas drilling vary from state to state and that there are areas of overlap between some of the state regulations and some federal laws. The paper suggests the need for a common set of regulations so that the best practices developed at one drill site can be applied across all projects. 2. Environmental risks specific to shale gas production 2.1 Seismic shocks The major concerns about shale gas production have been around the hydraulic fracture process where the shale rock is caused to fracture by hydraulic pressure. The cracks in the rock propagate 500 to 800 feet in all directions from the casing pipe and the effect is similar to an underground seismic shock. The fracture pressure needs to b e monitored and controlled to prevent the cracks from spreading beyond the shale gas layer (page 4). The general concern with setting off such underground fractures is that the fissures may permit contamination of underground water aquifers that are used for drinking water (page 7). Most shale gas formations are found 4,000 to 8,500 feet below the surface whereas drinking water sources are rarely more than 850 feet deep (page 8). Seismic monitoring is an essential tool to ensure that the underground cracks do not spread beyond the shale gas formation. However, only 3% of around 75,000 hydraulic fractures carried out in 2009 in the US were seismically monitored (page 8). An additional concern is with such underground fracture may lead to earthquakes. The town of Cleburne, Texas has experienced several low intensity earthquakes under 3.3.on the Richter scale in 2008 and 2009 after the start of shale gas exploration in the area when the region has no recorded earthquakes in the previou s 142 years (page 9). Preliminary studies do not find a definite link between shale gas exploration and these earthquakes but the concern remains. The paper does not say whether the hydraulic fractures in the Cleburne area were seismically monitored. 2.2 Fresh water usage and waste water disposal Hydraulic fracturing requires 2 to 8 million gallons of water per well fractured. Though water once used for fracturing can be reused by diluting with fresh water, the Barnett Shale project has used an average of 3 million gallons of fresh water per well and has drilled tens of thousands of such wells (page 12). Apart from the problem of using so much water in competition with other uses, there is the problem of treatment and disposal of contaminated water. The water pumped into the well has chemical additives. When it flows back to the surface it includes any sub-surface water that may have dissolved contaminants such as arsenic, benzene and mercury (page 10). The ‘flow back’ water will happen not just during the hydraulic fracture process but also during the gas production phase of the well. The water is presently being injected into underground saline aquifers but the number of such wells available is too small to handle the volumes of waste water (page 10). Municipal waste water treatment facilities in the area of the shale gas fields cannot handle this volume of water and are not designed for these contaminants. Treated municipal water is also

Leadership and Ethics in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership and Ethics in Business - Essay Example For example, Coca Cola forced to stop its operations in the southernmost state of India; Kerala because of strong public protests against underwater exploitation by Coke. In 1999, the Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited, a subsidiary of the Atlanta based Coca-Cola company, established a plant in Plachimada, in the Palakkad district of Kerala, southern India. The Perumatty Village Council gave a licence to the company to commence production in 2000. Coca Cola drew around 510,000 litres of water each day from boreholes and open wells. For every 3.75 litres of water used by the plant, it produced one litre of product and a large amount of waste water. In April 2003, the Perumatty Grama Panchayat (Village Council) refused renewal of Coca-Cola’s licence to operate on the grounds that it was not in the public interest to renew the licence stating: â€Å"†¦the excessive exploitation of ground water by the Coca-Cola Company in Plachimada is causing acute drinking water scarcity in Perumatty Panchayat and nearby places†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Case against Coca-Cola Kerala State: India, n.d.) . Coke forced to stop its operations in Kerala because of the agitations by the public against underwater exploitation. It should be noted that Kerala public is the most educated people in India. They know the consequences of unsustainable business practices. CEO’s who are reluctant in implementing sustainable business practices should learn from the coke’s experience in Kerala. Even uneducated people are aware of their rights nowadays. Another example from India shows the awareness of uneducated people with respect to unsustainable development. â€Å"Villagers around the Kudankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu are intensifying their...In other words, business ethics is not a term which contains contradictory terms. The ethics followed in the business of one part of the world is applicable in other parts of the world as well. In fact business and ethics s hould go in parallel directions so that sustainable development becomes possible. Since all the decision making are done by the managers, they have the responsibility of taking ethical decisions. Managers should realize that â€Å"The economics should not be paramount to ethics in business; if anything, ethics should be paramount to economics† (Elm & Radin, 2012, p.314). Most of the newly appointed managers do not recognize the needs of ethics in business. One of the traditional beliefs about business is that profit making is the only objective of business. Managers should realize that such traditional beliefs and thoughts have no relevance in the modern business world. According to the modern business principles, ethics and sustainable business practices are the much needed qualities for a business to enjoy success in the current heavily competitive and globalized business world. Modern customers are more interested in rating the company’s image in terms of sustainable business practices before taking any purchasing decisions. Organizations with bad reputation in keeping ethical business habits may struggle to survive in the market. The Enron example is relevan t here.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Principles of Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of Banking and Finance - Essay Example The attractive mortgage lending was based on a faulty premise that the house prices would continue rising, thus over-lending by the banks, in total disregard of the likelihood of repayment. When the false bubble in the mortgage lending finally burst, the financial crisis began taking its toll, many loans were unrecovered by the banks and the banks become bankrupt. The third force behind the credit crisis was global imbalances; the developing Asian exporting countries had large current account surpluses, a situation that has been defined as â€Å"global savings glut†. This situation led to an inevitable influx of capital into the US thus leading to the bubble in share prices in the late 1990s, and the bubble in house prices accordingly; however, the US current account deficits kept going up from the 1990s due to offsetting inflows of capital to the US. In addition, another influential force that was behind the credit crisis was deregulation policies, which had left the exchange rates to be influenced by foreign exchange markets (Evans17); deregulation of the financial sector in response to neo-liberal government policies led to the expansion of the US’s financial sector. In line with the expansions were the emergence of new and riskier financial instruments and accumulated credit; this is what led to the stock market bubble and the housing bubble accordingly. Finally, the credit crisis can be attributed to excess capital in terms of huge sums of capital that had been stashed in the US and Europe at the time (Evans19); this led to stagnation in household incomes, thus constrained purchasing power of the population. This condition led to increased borrowing in households so as to sustain consumption and a built up of debt securities; extensive borrowing to finance consumption spending in turn led to a rise in asset value, but when the rise could not be sustained any further, the growth of consumption stopped suddenly and recession began. Q2 It has be en proven beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, the US government treated some financial institutions differently during the credit crisis. For instance, when the Wall Street Investment bank Lehman Brothers crumpled in response to the crisis, there was a dramatic fall in the global economy; this was a great blow to the financial sector and many people lost faith in the banking system. However, exactly one month after the bank had collapsed and caused a global outcry, the US congress passed a bank bailout scheme that was labeled Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (Fareed). The Troubled Asset Relief Program entailed taking billions of taxpayer money and using it to bail out financial institutions from the deep pits of the credit crisis; ironically, the same financial institutions that were now being bailed out by TARP had caused the credit crisis in question. Questions have been raised with respect to the way the US government reacted at the onset of the credit crisis; one of the most serious questions that arose is with regards to whether the Lehman Brothers could be saved or not. Thus exactly, why

Electric Wheel Chair Training Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Electric Wheel Chair Training Method - Essay Example When addressing the history of the organization, the voice should be audible to the audience to aid understanding by the audience. On the other hand, confidence is a fundamental aspect when handling orientation to company policies. Self-belief is a significant presentation skill when orienting new employees in the organization. Confidence gives the audience the hope that the trainer is outlining the organization guidelines; the self-assurance portrayed by the trainer play a great role in the understanding of the audience. During the orientation to company rules, confidence should be displayed by the trainer. This helps in laying a firm foundation to the new employees on the issue of the company rules and regulation (TimeToMarket, 2014). In order for a trainer to be able to handle the manufacturing plant and the safety protocols, the trainer requires to have the presentation skill to maintain eye contact with their audience. For instance, by maintaining the eye contact with preferred spectators, the new employees become very serious because they tend to think that the trainer is keen on them. In addition, by attaining the trainee attention, the trainer can tackle the manufacturing procedures, which are followed during the production of products. Moreover, having the attention of the trainees, the trainer can point out the safety precaution to be adhered to while in the organization location. However, when training new members on the different parts of the electric wheelchair parts, the presentation pace should be relatively slow. In this context, the instructor should ensure that the pace of explaining and showing the sections is a bit slower. In this regard, the trainees can understand every section that is explain ed to them. In the same context, the coach should ensure that their speed is neither too fast nor too slow; this enhances the perceptive comprehending of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Principles of Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of Banking and Finance - Essay Example The attractive mortgage lending was based on a faulty premise that the house prices would continue rising, thus over-lending by the banks, in total disregard of the likelihood of repayment. When the false bubble in the mortgage lending finally burst, the financial crisis began taking its toll, many loans were unrecovered by the banks and the banks become bankrupt. The third force behind the credit crisis was global imbalances; the developing Asian exporting countries had large current account surpluses, a situation that has been defined as â€Å"global savings glut†. This situation led to an inevitable influx of capital into the US thus leading to the bubble in share prices in the late 1990s, and the bubble in house prices accordingly; however, the US current account deficits kept going up from the 1990s due to offsetting inflows of capital to the US. In addition, another influential force that was behind the credit crisis was deregulation policies, which had left the exchange rates to be influenced by foreign exchange markets (Evans17); deregulation of the financial sector in response to neo-liberal government policies led to the expansion of the US’s financial sector. In line with the expansions were the emergence of new and riskier financial instruments and accumulated credit; this is what led to the stock market bubble and the housing bubble accordingly. Finally, the credit crisis can be attributed to excess capital in terms of huge sums of capital that had been stashed in the US and Europe at the time (Evans19); this led to stagnation in household incomes, thus constrained purchasing power of the population. This condition led to increased borrowing in households so as to sustain consumption and a built up of debt securities; extensive borrowing to finance consumption spending in turn led to a rise in asset value, but when the rise could not be sustained any further, the growth of consumption stopped suddenly and recession began. Q2 It has be en proven beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, the US government treated some financial institutions differently during the credit crisis. For instance, when the Wall Street Investment bank Lehman Brothers crumpled in response to the crisis, there was a dramatic fall in the global economy; this was a great blow to the financial sector and many people lost faith in the banking system. However, exactly one month after the bank had collapsed and caused a global outcry, the US congress passed a bank bailout scheme that was labeled Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (Fareed). The Troubled Asset Relief Program entailed taking billions of taxpayer money and using it to bail out financial institutions from the deep pits of the credit crisis; ironically, the same financial institutions that were now being bailed out by TARP had caused the credit crisis in question. Questions have been raised with respect to the way the US government reacted at the onset of the credit crisis; one of the most serious questions that arose is with regards to whether the Lehman Brothers could be saved or not. Thus exactly, why

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial Reporting and Analysis Week 2 Assignment Harnischfeger Case - 1

Financial Reporting and Analysis Week 2 Harnischfeger Case - Assignment Example With the coming in of the straight-line method for financial reporting which is a change that has built on the previously used method which was the principally accelerated method, some level of changes have been recorded on the income of the company. Even though it is described to be insignificant, there has been an upsurge in the reported income of the company by $11.0 million. Into the future, this change will only affect profits positively when the company is able to maintain its current expenditure or is able to keep that also lower than it currently stand (Cao, 2009). The accounting changes that were recorded also affected changes in the depreciation lives, which focused on specific areas of the company’s operations. These included U.S plants, machinery and equipment and residual values on selected items. The effect of this was an increase in net income by $3.2 million for 1984 alone. In the most immediate future, reported profits are expected to go up as a result of this. However, Conrad (2009) also noted that increased income can only be likened to guaranteed profits if expenditure is also low. The current economic assumptions that Harnischfeger’s plant and machinery will last longer and only lose their value slowly can be noted to be justified. This is because of a number of reasons. In the first place, most of the challenges that the business was facing as part of its business conditions in the primary industries are no more. Secondly, the depreciation accounting will now ensure that there is less pressure on plant and machinery, giving room for the lifespan of these to last longer. LIFO liquidation is simply a method of inventory costing that states for last in, first out. LIFO liquidation is noted to take place in situations where current sales are noted to be higher than current purchases, leading to the need to liquidate all inventory that were not sold in the previous periods (Hull and White, 2010). The effect of LIFO liquidation on income

Monday, October 14, 2019

Being on Time Essay Example for Free

Being on Time Essay Being on time is very important. It is a sign of respect to the person you are meeting. If you are always late, youre creating a bad reputation for yourself. People feel they cant trust you or rely on you, so it impacts relationships. It also impacts self-esteem. Being late is upsetting to others and stressful for the one who is late. Peoples stress level is very high when theyre late. Theyre racing, worried, and anxious. They spend the first few minutes apologizing. And that’s not the best way to making a good impression. So if you want to be on time you must first figure out why you are always late. The reason can usually be classified as either technical or psychological. For example if youre always late by a different amount of time 5 minutes sometimes, 15, or even 40 minutes other times it is likely that the cause is technical. Its a case of bad planning, of thinking you need less time than you actually do. Another technical difficulty for some people is the inability to say no to additional commitments when theyre short on time. But if you are literally always 10 minutes late, its psychological. Youre arriving exactly when you want. The question is why? For some people, its a resistance thing. They dont want to do what other people expect them to. Another category is the â€Å"crisis-maker†. These are people who cannot get themselves together until they get an adrenaline rush. They need to be under the gun to get them selves moving. There are also people who are late because they worry they won’t have nothing to do while waiting. This problem can be solved easily. Always carry a book or magazine. So you aren’t feeling bored and you don’t have the feeling of â€Å"excess† time when you are waiting. And that’s not the only thing that can help you to deal with lateness. You can also†¦ †¢ Clean out your purse or briefcase each evening so it’s ready to go the next morning. †¢ Know how much money is in your wallet so you won’t run out of cash at an awkward time. †¢ Give up that â€Å"one last thing† before walking out the door. †¢ Think about what you could do with an extra five minutes for every place where you arrive early. †¢ Review your plans for the rest of the day and make note of things that have changed. †¢ Keep a clock in a prominent location so you can check it quickly when you have to leave your activities. †¢ Always keep keys, purse and backpack on hooks and a shelf by the exit door. †¢ Set your clocks 5 to 10 minutes ahead. Although remember that at dinner party its rude to arrive early; you might surprise the host and find him in his bathrobe vacuuming. In Japan, China, Germany and the United States being on time is the rule. In other places, such as Latin America punctuality is rare. Punctuality exhibits respect for the time of others; you do not waste their time while they wait for you. But it makes it difficult for Germans to act spontaneously. You cant really call someone and say, Lets go for a coffee. Many Germans will want that date in their diaries for at least a week. Back in the technological dark ages, you couldnt contact people so easily, so you made an effort to meet them on time. Nowadays if you are running late you simply call the person and delay or cancel the meeting. However that should not become a habit, because you may delay, but time will not. I used to be late all the time. But I’ve got tired of running down the street to catch the bus and bored of explaining to everyone why I’m late again. So I decided to deal with the problem. First step was setting my clocks 5 min ahead and it really works for me. But I realized that everything is in my head. I just have to decide that the meeting or event is just too important for me to be late. I won’t say I’m always on time, but I’m trying. As someone else said: Better late than never, but better never late! [pic].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Evaluation of Public Health Agenda in Community: Obesity

Evaluation of Public Health Agenda in Community: Obesity Module Title: Promoting the Public Health of Populations in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Module Code: SHN3048 Critical evaluation of the current public health agenda in relation to a health need identified within a community profile. The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyse the current public health agenda in relation to a health need identified through use of community profiling. This paper will aim to provide recommendations as to how a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) can proactively address high levels of obesity identified within the Cwmbwrla ward (Appendix 1). For the benefit of the reader Cwmbwrla is a suburban area of Swansea, with good transport links to the city centre. In considering the level of deprivation Cwmbwrla is ranked 181 0f 1,909 (LSOA) in Wales (Welsh Government, 2014a). Public health in the 21st century is defined by Riegelman (2010 p4) as the totality of all evidence-based public and private efforts that preserve and prolong health and prevent disease, disability and death thus, recognising public health as a varied approach which should be viewed holistically. Health visitors are a group of specialist community public health nurses (SCPHN), skilled in delivering a proactive Public health service which relies on evidence base research to enhance health and reduce inequalities for all families with children 0-5 (Royal College of Nursing, 2011; The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2014). The current Public Health strategy in Wales aims to achieve a healthier, happier and fairer Wales, through improving health, reducing inequalities and supporting a good start in life (Public Health Wales (PHW), 2015; Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), 2010; WAG, 2011a; Welsh Government (WG), 2016). There is consistent evidence which suggests investment in the early years significantly improves the health of the child and has a positive impact on long term outcomes (Acheson,1998; Black,1980; Marmot, 2010). As a result of the reaffirmation of the public health role of the SCPHN in recent policy, it is believed that the health visitor is st rategically placed to empower individuals and positively influence the health outcomes of young children and their families (Department of Health (DoH), 2011; WG, 2012a). The four domains of SCPHN practice begin with Search for health needs (Cowley Frost, 2006), thus requiring health visitors to undertake an assessment of the populations health and well-being. A key part of this process is health needs assessment (HNA) (Nursing and midwifery Council, 2010).ÂÂ   In defining HNA, Stewart et al, (2009) suggests the purpose is to identify the health assets and need of a population in order to inform decisions regarding service delivery to improve health and reduce inequalities. Through use of HNA policies are developed and needs are prioritized across services, with the aim of targeting those in greatest need (Williams, 2013). Statistics from the profiled area of the Cwmbwrla ward (Appendix 1), identify high levels of obesity in adulthood as being a significant problem. Despite there being no local data to highlight the levels of childhood obesity specifically within the ward, research suggests a strong link between childhood obesity and obesity in later life (NHS, 2015). Findings from the child measurement program 2014-2015, recorded that 11.8% of 4-5 year olds in Swansea were obese (Public Health Wales Observatory, 2016), a trend mirrored throughout Wales, with findings from the Welsh health Survey (2011) identifying that 35% of children living in Wales were classed as overweight or obese. Obesity has fast become a global epidemic (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2003; 2016), with research suggesting that obesity is the worlds most common nutritional disorder (NICE, 2014). The 2007 Foresight report emphasized the need to tackle the problem of obesity in the United Kingdom, particularly in childhood. The prevalence of obesity in infants, children and adolescents is increasing rapidly both nationally, and internationally, which has a significant impact on both short and long term health (Hall et al, 2009; WHO, 2016 ). Exploration of the literature suggests that there are many risk factors associated with becoming overweight, with the key principles leading to obesity being laid down in childhood (WAG, 2010). Wanless (2004) and Jones et al (2005) identified that during the period of 1986-2002 weight gain in children translated to a doubling in the proportion of those classified obese.ÂÂ   Childhood obesity is becoming evident in younger ages, with studies documentin g a sizable increase in the percentage of overweight children between the ages of two and three years (Hall et al, 2009; Nelson, 2004). Studies linking overweight to psychological consequences show that obese children tend to have low self-esteem, increased rates of sadness, loneliness and are often bullied and socially excluded outside the home (Strauss,2000). Promoting healthy weight and preventing and managing obesity have become pressing public health priorities over recent years (Phillips et al 2011). The effects of addressing obesity in early childhood are not solely limited to its health benefits; improvements in the rates of obesity could potentially save the NHS millions. In Wales alone it is estimated that between 1.65 million a week is spent treating conditions linked to Obesity (PHW, 2016). Despite obesity being at the forefront of the Public health agenda within the UK, progress in tackling childhood obesity has been slow and inconsistent, with a clear lack of provision identified as a problem within Wales (WAG, 2010; WHO, 2016). It has long been recognized that socioeconomic class has a significant impact on health inequalities, with those living in the most deprived areas more at risk of becoming overweight or obese (Acheson, 1998; Black, 1980). This is of particular relevance to the Cwmbwrla ward (APPENDIX 1), which falls within the 20% most deprived areas within Wales (WG, 2014). NICE (2014) supports this, with statistics indicating that 29% of children living in the most deprived areas of Wales being overweight or obese compared to 21% in the least deprived areas. More recent findings have suggested that, despite improvements in the overall health of the general population, there continues to be significant gaps between the social classes (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 1991; Marmot, 2010). These differences have been tackled within Welsh Government policy, which aimed to target the most deprived areas of Wales, through the delivery of the Flying Start program, which promotes health and delivers intensive servi ces in areas of greatest need (WAG, 2005, 2011a; WG, 2016). While such services must be applauded for their proactive approach, it must also be considered that as a consequence of this, the availability services relies heavily on postcode (WG, 2013), resulting in many families in need being unable to access necessary support. However, more recent WG policy has identified the need to tackle inequality, and improve health outcomes for all children, delivering support in key areas to all families with children under 7, underpinned by the principle of progressive universalism (HCWP, 2016). As previously identified, the determinants of obesity are complex and varied, it is important to recognise than no single intervention is likely to prevent or improve childhood obesity alone (WHO, 2012). Availability of data is important in planning services at a local level. Collaboration, leadership and quality improvement play a leading role within WG policy (PHW, 2013; WG, 2011, 2016). These policies emphasize the importance of adopting a muti-agency approach in addressing health needs, thus, identifying the need for SCPHN to support existing programs when planning health interventions to address obesity, with the aim of strengthening current initiatives and reducing the need for later more expensive treatments (NICE, 2013). The all wales obesity pathway supports this, and sets out a multi-agency approach in targeting obesity, allowing the identification of gaps in provision and the determination of where to best focus efforts (WAG, 2010). Over recent years, the WG have invested millions on strategies targeting obesity; for example, Free swimming programme (2003), Health Challenge Wales (2005), Creating an active Wales (2009), Mend (2009), and Our healthy future (2009), despite this the number of overweight children and adults continues to rise (Mc Pherson Marsh, 2007). Research suggests it Is highly likely that obese children will have obese parents, thus indicating the possible detrimental effects of learnt behaviours in childhood such as poor eating habits (NICE,2015). The literature emphasises the need for family involvement in interventions to ensure improvements in outcomes (Public Health England, 2014). There is emerging evidence that programmes that aim to enhance parenting skills can have a positive impact on childhood obesity (Berge Everts, 2011). Therefore, within the Cwmbwrla area, a recommendation would be to build community capacity for healthy eating by setting up a 4 week weaning programme. The programme would be available to families between the 16 week clinic contact and 24 week health review as per the HCWP (2016), and will deliver education and advice within a group setting. The programme will cover topics such as, delayed weaning, healthy eating in childhood, controlling portion size and how to quickly create cheap but nutritio us meals, with the aim of encouraging behaviour change using an educational approach (Naidoo Wills, 2016). The programme would aim to build upon existing initiatives such as Change 4 Life, which has previously been judged for not fulfilling its full potential (WAG, 2014). However,ÂÂ   it is important to consider that in the past, group programmes have been criticised for failing to involve individuals and communities who are hard to reach resulting in poor engagement (PHW, 2013). A further recommendation for the Cwmbwrla ward would be the provision of Increased/intensive home visits to specific families identified during the antenatal or birth visit as being at risk of overweight or obesity. Research has indicated a correlation between parenting lifestyle and that of their children in terms of diet and physical activity (Rhee, 2008). Arguably, the most effective strategy we can employ in tackling obesity in childhood is to work with parents (Golan, Kaufman Shahar, 2006).The aim is to focus on parents and support them to making positive choices that facilitate a healthy start in life. The additional visits will enable SCPHN to facilitate behaviour change by addressing key influences such as; positive parenting, feeding behaviour and food and activities accessible within the home, while also allowing the SCPHN the flexibility toÂÂ   tailor the program specifically to the needs of the individual family. It is imperative that SCPHN are mindful that there is no one correct parenting style, it is therefore important when delivering the program not to stereotype, but to encourage a generally more authoritative approach. Delivering the program within the home will aim to address the possible barriers families experience in accessing services (PHW, 2013). To conclude, this paper has evaluated the current public health agenda in relation to high levels of obesity identified within the Cwmbwla ward, a trend mirrored throughout the UK. Findings suggest that effort needs to be invested in preventing obesity, particularly in children; targeting early intervention and encouraging and educating families to adopt a healthy varied diet and active lifestyle (NICE, 2006, 2014). Through raising awareness, and by influencing local and national policies, SCPHN can facilitate ways to combat the problem of childhood obesity and seek to change the patterns which lead to obesity and poor health in later life (Cowley Frost, 2006; WG, 2014). As a result, recommendations for practice were identified for implementation within the profiled area of Cwmbwrla. The overall aim is for SCPHN to identify, address and facilitating families to overcome the current obesity epidemic, which could potentially result in a huge gain in terms of both cost to the NHS and more importantly the health of children and the adults they become (WG, 2015). Congestive Heart Failure: Causes, Types and Symptons Congestive Heart Failure: Causes, Types and Symptons Heart failure is caused by the heart not pumping as much blood as it should and the body does not get as much blood and oxygen that it needs. The malfunctioning of the heart chambers are due to damage caused by narrowed or blocked arteries leading to the muscle of your heart. This Heart failure can also be described based on which area of the heart isnt operating properly.2 types of heart failure. 1) Diastolic dysfunction: The contraction function is normal but theres impaired relaxation of the heart, impairing its ability to fill with blood causing the blood returning to the heart to accumulate in the lungs or veins. 2) Systolic dysfunction: The relaxing function is normal but theres impaired contraction of the heart causing the heart to pump pump out as much blood that is returned to it as normally does. As a result of more blood remaining in lower chambers of the heart Causes Any disorder that directly affects the heart can lead to heart failure, as can some disorders that indirectly affect the heart. Some disorders cause heart failure quickly; others do so only after many years. Some disorders cause systolic dysfunction, others cause diastolic dysfunction, and some disorders, such as high blood pressure and some heart valve disorders, can cause both types of dysfunction. Systolic Dysfunction: In many cases, a combination of factors results in heart failure. Coronary artery disease is a common cause of systolic dysfunction. It can impair large areas of heart muscle because it reduces the flow of oxygenirich blood to the heart muscle, which needs oxygen for normal contraction. Blockage of a coronary artery can cause a heart attack, which destroys an area of heart muscle. As a result, that area can no longer contract normally. Myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) caused by a bacterial, viral, or other infection can damage all or part of the heart muscle, impairing its pumping ability. Some drugs used to treat cancer and some toxins (such as alcohol) may also damage heart muscle. Some drugs, such as nonsteroidal antiiinflammatory drugs, may cause the body to retain fluid, which increases the workload of the heart and may precipitate heart failure. Heart valve disordersinarrowing (stenosis) of a valve, which hinders blood flow through the heart, or leakage of blood backward (regurgitation) through a valveican cause heart failure. Both stenosis and regurgitation of a valve can severely stress the heart, so that over time, the heart enlarges and cannot pump adequately. An abnormal connection (septal defectsi(see Birth Defects: Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects and Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Failure to CloseFigures) between the heart chambers can allow blood to recirculate within the heart, increasing the workload of the heart, and thus can cause heart failure. Disorders that affect the hearts electrical conduction system and produce prolonged changes in heart rhythms (especially if these are fast or irregular) can cause heart failure. When the heart beats abnormally, it cannot pump blood efficiently. Some lung disorders, such as pulmonary hypertension (see Pulmonary Hypertension), may alter or damage blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary arteries). As a result, the right side of the heart has to work harder to pump blood into the lungs. The person may then develop cor pulmonale (see Cor Pulmonale: A Disorder Stemming From Pulmonary HypertensionSidebar), in which the right ventricle is enlarged and there is rightisided heart failure. Sudden, usually complete blockage of a pulmonary artery by several small blood clots or one very large clot (pulmonary embolism) also makes pumping blood into the pulmonary arteries difficult. A very large clot can be immediately life threatening. The increased effort required to pump blood into the blocked pulmonary arteries can cause the right side of the heart to enlarge and may cause the walls of the right ventricle to thicken, resulting in right sided heart failure. Disorders that indirectly affect the hearts pumping ability include a severe deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin (anemia), an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), and kidney failure. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which enables them to carry oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to body tissues. Anemia reduces the amount of oxygen the blood carries, so that the heart must work harder to provide the same amount of oxygen to tissues. (Anemia has many causes, including chronic bleeding due to a stomach ulcer.) An overactive thyroid gland overstimulates the heart, so that it pumps too rapidly and does not empty normally during each heartbeat. When the thyroid gland is underactive, levels of thyroid hormones are low. As a result, all muscles, including the heart, become weak because muscles depend on thyroid hormones to function normally. Kidney failure strains the heart because the kidneys cannot remove excess fluid from t he bloodstream, so the heart has a larger volume of blood to pump. Eventually, the heart cannot keep up, and heart failure develops Diastolic Dysfunction: Inadequately treated high blood pressure is the most common cause of diastolic dysfunction. High blood pressure stresses the heart because the heart must pump blood more forcefully than normal to eject blood into the arteries against the higher pressure. Eventually, the hearts walls thicken (hypertrophy), then stiffen. The stiff heart does not fill quickly or adequately, so that with each contraction, the heart pumps less blood than it normally does. Diabetes causes other changes that stiffen the walls of the ventricle. As people age, the hearts walls also tend to stiffen. The combination of high blood pressure and diabetes, which are common among older people, and ageirelated stiffening makes heart failure particularly common among older people. Heart failure may result from other disorders that cause the hearts walls to stiffen, such as infiltrations and infections. For example, in amyloidosis, amyloid, an unusual protein not normally present in the body, infiltrates many tissues in the body. If amyloid infiltrates the hearts walls, they stiffen, and heart failure results. In tropical countries, infiltration by certain parasites into heart muscle can cause heart failure, even in young people. Some heart valve disorders, such as aortic valve stenosis, hinder blood flow out of the heart. As a result, the heart muscle thickens and has to work harder, and diastolic dysfunction develops. Eventually, systolic dysfunction also develops. In constrictive pericarditis, the sac that envelops the heart (pericardium) stiffens, preventing even a healthy heart from pumping and filling normally. Types of Heart diseases affect the heart chambers include These are the heart diseases which leads to heart failures A) Pulmonary heart diseases B) Heart Disease affecting heart muscles C) Heart disease affecting heart valves D) Heart disease affecting coronary arteries and coronary veins E) Heart disease affecting heart lining F) Heart disease affecting electrical system G) Congenital heart disease A) Pulmonary heart disease Pulmonary heart disease is caused by an enlarged right ventricle. It is known as heart disease resulting from a lung disorder where the blood flowing into the lungs is slowed or blocked causing increased lung pressure. The right side of the heart has to pump harder to push against the increased pressure and this can lead to enlargement of the right ventricle In the case of heart diseases affecting heart muscles, the heart muscles are stiff, increasing the amount of pressure required to expand for blood to flow into the heart or the narrowing of the passage as a result of obstructing blood flow out of the heart. B) Heart diseases affecting heart muscles Cardiomyopathy Heart muscle becomes inflamed and doesnt work as well as it should. There may be multiple causes such as high blood pressure, heart valve disease, artery diseases or congenital heart defects. a) Dilated cardiomyopathy The heart cavity is enlarged and stretched. Blood flows more slowly through an enlarged heart, causing formation of blood clots as a result of clots sticking to the inner lining of the heart, breaking off the right ventricle into the pulmonary circulation in the lung or being dislodged and carried into the bodys circulation to form emboli . b) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy The wall between two ventricles becomes enlarged, obstructing blood flow from the left ventricle. Sometimes the thickened wall distorts one leaflet of the mitral valve, causing it to leak. The symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy include shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting and angina pectoris. c) Restrictive cardiomyopathy The ventricles become excessively rigid, harder to fill with blood between heartbeats. The symptoms of restrictive cardiomyopathy include shortness of breath, swollen hands and feet. Myocarditis Myocarditis is an inflammation of heart muscles or weakens of heart muscles. The symptoms of myocarditis include fever, chest pains, and congestive heart failure, palpitation. C) Heart disease affecting heart valves Heart diseases affecting heart valves occur when the mitral valve in the heart narrows, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood from the left atrium into left ventricle. Here are some types of heart disease affecting heart valves: a. Mitral Stenosis Mitral Stenosis is a heart valve disorder that involves a narrowing or blockage of the opening of mitral valve causing the volume and pressure of blood in left atrium increases. b. Mitral valves regurgitation Mitral regurgitation is the heart disease in which your hearts mitral valve doesnt close tightly causing the blood to be unable to move through the heart efficiently. Symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation are fatigue and shortness of breath. c. Mitral valves prolapsed In mitral valve prolapsed, one or both leaflets of the valve are too large resulting in uneven closure of the valve during each heartbeat. Symptoms of mitral valves prolapsed are palpitation, shortness of breath, dizzy, fatigue and chest pains. d. Aortic Stenosis With aging, protein collagen of valve leaflets are destroyed and calcium is deposited on the leaflets causing scarring, thickening, and stenosis is the valve therefore increasing the wear and tear on the valve leaflets resulting in the symptoms and heart problems of aortic stenosis. e. Aortic regurgitation Aortic regurgitation is the leaking of aortic valve of the heart that causes blood to flow in the reverse direction during ventricular diastole, from the aorta into the left ventricle. Symptoms of aortic regurgitation include fatigue or weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitation and irregular heartbeats. F. Tricuspid stenosis Tricuspid stenosis is the narrowing of the orifice of the tricuspid valve of the heart causing increased resistance to blood flow through the valve. Symptoms of tricuspid stenosis include fatigue, enlarged liver, abdominal swelling, neck discomfort, leg and ankle swelling. g. Tricuspid regurgitation. Tricuspid regurgitation is the failure of the riht ventricular causing blood to leak back through the tricuspid valve from the riht ventricle into the riht atrium of the heart. Symptoms of tricuspid regurgitation include leg and ankle swelling, swelling in the abdomen. D. Heart disease affecting coronary arteries and coronary veins Heart disease affecting coronary arteries and coronary veins: The malfunctioning of the heart may be due to damage caused by narrowed or blocked arteries leading to the muscle of your heart as well as blood backing up in the veins. Types of heart disease that affect the coronary arteries and veins include Angina pectoris Angina pectoris occurs when the heart muscle doesnt get as much blood oxygen as it needs. Here are 3 types of angina pectoris: a) Stable angina Stable angina is chest pain or discomfort that typically occurs with activity or stress due to oxygen deficiency in the blood muscles usually follows a predictable pattern. Symptom of stable angina include chest pain, tightness, pressure, indigestion feeling and pain in the upper neck and arm. b) Unstable angina Unstable angina is caused by blockage of the blood flow to the heart. Without blood and the oxygen, part of the heart starts to die. Symptoms of unstable angina include pain spread down the left shoulder and arm to the back, jaw, neck, or riht arm, discomfort of chest and chest pressure. c) Variant angina aiso known as coronary artery spasm Caused by the narrowing of the coronary arteries. This is caused by the contraction of the smooth muscle tissue in the vessel walls. Symptoms of variant angina include increasing of heart rate, pressure and chest pain. Heart attacks known as myocardial infarction or MI Heart attacks caused by plaque rupture with thrombus formation in a coronary vessel, resulting in an acute reduction of blood supply to a portion of the myocardium. Symptoms of MI include a squeezing sensation of the chest, sweating, nausea, vomiting, upper back pain and arm pain. Heart disease aiso known as coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease Caused by arteries hardening, narrowing, cutting off blood flow to the heart muscle resulting in heart attack. Symptoms of heart disease include shortness of breath, chest pains on exertion, palpitation, dizziness and fainting. Atherosclerosis or hardening of arteries Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenirich blood to your heart and to other parts of your body. Atherosclerosis is caused by plaques that rupture in result of blood clots that block blood flow or break off and travel to another part of the body. Atherosclerosis has no symptom or warning sign. Silent ischemia. Ischemia is a condition in which the blood flow is restricted to a part of the body caused by narrowing of heart arteries. Siient ischemia means people have ischemia without pain. There is aiso no warning sign before heart attack. E) Heart disease affecting heart lining Rheumatic heart disease results from inflammation of the heart lining when too much fluid builds up in the lungs leading to pulmonary congestion. It is due to failure of the heart to remove fluid from the lung circulation resulting in shortness of breath, coughing up blood, pale skin and excessive sweating. Heart disease resulting from inflammation of either the endocardium or pericardium is called heart disease affecting heart lining. Endocardium is the inner layer of the heart. It consists of epithelial tissue and connective tissue. Pericardium is the fluid filled sac that surrounds the heart and the proximal ends of the aorta, vena valva and the pulmonary artery. a. Endocarditis Endocarditic, which is an inflammation of the endocardium is caused by bacteria entering the bloodstream and settling on the inside of the heart, usually on the heart valves that consists of epithelial tissue and connective tissue. It is the most common heart disease in people who have a damaged, diseased, or artificial heart valve. Symptoms of endocarditis include fever, chilling, fatigue, aching joint muscles, night sweats, shortness of breath, change in temperature and a persistent cough. b. Pericardium Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium. It is caused by infection of the pericardium which is the thin, tough bagiiike membrane surrounding the heart. The pericardium aiso prevents the heart from over expanding when blood volume increases. Symptoms of pericarditis include chest pain, mild fever, weakness, fatigue, coughing, hiccups, and muscle aches. F) Heart disease affecting electrical system The electrical system within the heart is responsible for ensuring the heart beats correctly so that blood can be transported to the cells throughout our body. Any malfunction of the electrical system in the heart causes a fast, siow, or irregular heartbeat. The electrical system within the heart is responsible for ensuring that the heart beats correctly so that blood can be transported throughout our the body. Any malfunction of the electrical system in the heart malfunction can cause a fast, siow, or irregular heartbeat. Types of heart disease that affect the electrical system are known as arrhythmias. They can cause the heart to beat too fast, too siow, or irregularly. These types of heart disease include: a. Sinus tachycardia Sinus tachycardia occurs when the sinus rhythm is faster than 100 beats per minute therefore it increases myocardial oxygen demand and reduces coronary blood flow, thus precipitating an ischemia heart or valvular disease. b. Sinus bradycardia Sinus bradycardia occurs when a decrease of cardiac output results in regular but unusually siow heart beat less than 60 beats per minute. Symptoms of sinus bradycardia includes a feeling of weightlessness of the head, dizziness, low blood pressure, vertigo, and syncope. c. Atrial fibrillation Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm that starts in the upper parts (atria) of the heart causing irregular beating between the atria and the lower parts (ventricles) of the heart. The lower parts may beat fast and without a regular rhythm. Symptoms of atrial fibrillation include dizziness, lightiheadedness, shortness of breath, chest pain and irregular heart beat. d. Atrial flutter Atrial flutter is an abnormal heart rhythm that occurs in the atria of the heart causing abnormalities and diseases of the heart. Symptoms of atrial flutter includes shortness of breath, chest pains, anxiety and palpitation. e. Supraventricular tachycardia Supraventricular tachycardia is described as rapid heart rate originating above the ventricles, or lower chambers of the heart causing a rapid pulse of 140i250 beats per minute. Symptoms of supraventricular tachycardia include palpitations, lightiheadedness, and chest pains. f. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is described as an occasional rapid heart rate. Symptoms can come on suddenly and may go away without treatment. They can last a few minutes or 1i2 days. g. Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular tachycardia is described as a fast heart rhythm that originates in one of the ventricles of the heart . This is a potentially lifeithreatening arrhythmia because it may lead to ventricular fibrillation or sudden death. Symptoms of ventricular tachycardia include light headedness, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath and chest pains. h. Ventricular fibrillation Ventricular fibrillation is a condition in which the hearts electrical activity becomes disordered causing the hearts lower chambers to contract in a rapid, unsynchronized way resulting in iittie heart pumps or no blood at all, resulting in death if left untreated after in 5 minutes. There are many heart diseases affecting electrical system such as premature arterial contractions, wolf parkinson, etc. G) Congenital heart disease There are several heart diseases that people are born with. Congenital heart diseases are caused by a persistence in the fetal connection between arterial and venous circulation. Congenital heart diseases affect any part of the heart such as heart muscle, valves, and blood vessels. Congenital heart disease refers to a problem with the hearts structure and function due to abnormal heart development before birth.Every year over 30,000 babies are born with some type of congenital heart defect in US alone. Congenital heart disease is responsible for more deaths in the first year of life than any other birth defects. Some congenital heart diseases can be treated with medication alone, whiie others require one or more surgeries. The causes of congenital heart diseases of newborns at birth may be in result from poorly controlled blood sugar levels in women having diabetes during pregnancy, some hereditary factors that play a role in congenital heart disease, excessive intake of alcohol and side affects of some drugs during pregnancy. Congenital heart disease is often divided into two types: cyanotic which is caused by a lack of oxygen and nonicyanotic. A. Cyanotic Cyanosis is a blue coloration of the skin due to a lack of oxygen generated in blood vessels near the skin surface. It occurs when the oxygen level in the arterial blood falls below 85i90%. The below lists are the most common of cyanotic congenital heart diseases: a) Tetralogy of fallot Tetralogy of fallot is a condition of several congenital defects that occur when the heart does not develop normally. It is the most common cynaotic heart defect and a common cause of blue baby syndrome. b) Transportation of the great vessels Transportation of the great vessels is the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Transposition of the great vessels is a congenital heart defect in which the 2 major vessels that carry blood away from the aorta and the pulmonary artery of the heart are switched. Symptoms of transportation of the great vessels include blueness of the skin, shortness of breath and poor feeding. c) Tricuspid atresia In tricuspid atresia there is no tricuspid valve so no blood can flow from the riht atrium to the riht ventricle. Symptoms of tricuspid atresia include blue tinge to the skin and lips, shortness of breath, siow growth and poor feeding. d) Total anomalous pulmonary venous return Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) is a rare congenital heart defect that causes cyanosis or blueness. Symptoms of total anomalous pulmonary venous return include poor feeding, poor growth, respiratory infections and blue skin. e)Truncus arteriosus Truncus arteriosus is characterized by a large ventricular septal defect over which a large, single great vessel arises. Symptoms of truncus arteriosus include blue coloring of the skin, poor feeding, poor growth and shortness of breath. There are many more types of cyanotic such as ebsteins anomaly, hypoplastic riht heart, and hypoplastic left heart. If you need more information please consult with your doctor. B. Nonicyanotic Nonicyanotic heart defects are more common because of higher survival rates. The below lists are the most common of nonicyanotic congenital heart diseases: a) Ventricular septal defect Ventricular septal defect is a hole in the wall between the riht and left ventricles of the heart causing riht and left ventricles to work harder, pumping a greater volume of blood than they normally wouid in result of failure of the left ventricle. Symptoms of ventricular septal defect include very fast heartbeats, sweating, poor feeding, poor weight gain and pallor. b) Atrial septal defect Atrial septal defect is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of your heart causing freshly oxygenated blood to flow from the left upper chamber of the heart into the riht upper chamber of the heart. Symptoms of atrial septal defect include shortness of breath, fatigue and heart palpitations or skipped beats. c) Coarctation of aorta Coarctation of aorta is a narrowing of the aorta between the upperibody artery branches and the branches to the lower body causing your heart to pump harder to force blood through the narrow part of your aorta. Symptoms of coarctation of aorta include pale skin, shortness of breath and heavy sweating. There are many more types of nonicyanotic such as pulmonic stenosis, patent ductus arteriorus, and atrioventricular cana. These problems may occur alone or together. Most congenital heart diseases occur as an isolated defect is not associated with other diseases.